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Tag: north america

Vancouver Paleontological Society Meeting – May 19 (Wednesday), 2021

We’ve received an invitation to join the Vancouver Paleontological Society (VanPS) for their next VanPS meeting via ZOOM, on May 19, (Wednesday), at 7 pm where George Gough will present “Ancient Horses:  Their Story From 55 Million Years Ago to the Present”.

George Gough’s presentation summary:

Presentation Summary: Ancient Horses: Their Story From 55 Million Years Ago to the Present

In this one hour, colorfully illustrated, lecture, George covers the little known and fascinating story of the rise of horses out of the northern hemisphere 55 million years ago, their highly successful evolution in North America, and their migration to other continents before finally going extinct in North America following the last great ice age. The story concludes with the reintroduction of horses to North America by early Spanish explorers and the spread of horses by Indigenous peoples and later European settlers.

George Gough Bio:

George Gough is a retired Environmental Safety Professor from the Lower Mainland of British Columbia who joined the California State Paleontology Society in Borrego Springs as a volunteer several years ago where he trained for several hundred hours to become a Certified Paleontology Volunteer. During one field survey, he uncovered a fossil horse tooth that triggered him to investigate the origin of horses. He became so fascinated with his findings that he was compelled to turn the story into a one hour presentation to share with other paleontologists and the public.

Meeeting and Zoom link:

Topic: George Gough presents, Ancient Horses: Their Story From 55 Million Years Ago to the present

Time: May 19, 2021 07:00 PM Vancouver

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