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Tag: haegert

VicPS meeting Nov 21, 2018 7:30 pm

Meeting to be held in Room A120, Cornett Building, UVic.

No formal speaker.

Members are invited to bring in specimens they have collected during field trips this year, including those at the recent symposium. Hopefully, we will be able to help with identifications.

Dr. Joseph Haegert, VicPS member, was presented the Rene Savenye Award for Outstanding Contributions to Paleontology by an Amateur at the 12th BC Paleo Symposium in Courtenay on Aug. 18, 2018. Joe will be at the meeting to receive the Certificates that go with the award. Joe donated his 30,000 specimen collection, mostly Vancouver Island Cretaceous, to the Royal BC Museum. This will be an opportunity to meet one of British Columbia’s most important fossil collectors.

At this meeting, details of the next planned field trip will be announced.

There will be no VicPS meeting in December. Happy Holidays.