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Tag: Dinosaur Provincial Park

VanPS meeting Dec 13: World Tour of “Dinosaur, The Greatest Show Unearthed”

The next VanPS meeting is on Wednesday, December 13 at 6:30 pm at the Burnaby Public Library at Metrotown.

Perry Poon will present, “The Dinosaur World Tour.  The Greatest Show Unearthed” (1993 and 1995).

The Dinosaur World Tour began in Edmonton, Alberta, and the exhibit was titled, “The Greatest Show Unearthed”.

Dinosaur, Greatest Show on Earth

The exhibits were the scientific results from excavations by a group of Canadian and Chinese paleontologists from the Canadian Museum of Nature (Ottawa, Ontario), Institute of Vertebrate and Paleoanthropology (Beijing, China), and the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology (Drumheller, Alberta) working in the field in the Gobi Desert, Northern China; Canadian Arctic, Baffin Island; and Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta.

The key researchers were Dr. Dale Russell (Curator of Fossil Vertebrates at the Canadian Museum of Nature), Professor Dong Zhiming (Institute of Vertebrate and Paleoanthropology), Professor Zhao Xijin, and Dr. Philip Currie (Head of Dinosaur Research, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleaontology).

This presentation shows some of the dinosaurs and discoveries from China, Alberta, and the High Arctic that were seen in the exhibit in Edmonton, Alberta (1993) and Vancouver (1995).

This presentation will be a physical meeting and a Zoom meeting. Zoom participation details will be forwarded to paid VicPS members before the meeting as soon as they become available.

Under the Influence at Dinosaur Park – A Free Artist Talk with Heidi Bergstrom

WhenMar 14, 2021 02:00 PM PST
WhereZoom call – register here

The Victoria Palaeontology Society with Studio H Canada International Artist Residency and Xchanges Artists’ Gallery and Studios present a Free Artist Talk with Heidi Bergstrom.

Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta is one of the most important UNESCO World Heritage sites in Canada, and the largest late Cretaceous (75 million years ago) find in the world (so far). They say, “if you drop your hat and don’t find a fossil, then you’re not in Dinosaur Park”. The bioreserve is the source of bones and fossils for the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, some 170 kms north west of the park, but bones from this area have been collected since the late 19th century and can be found in several major museums in the USA.

While the park provides great interest for dinosaur and fossil hunters, palaeontologists, and all kinds of scientific and geologic researchers, some contemporary artists are also fascinated by this place. Heidi Bergstrom is one of those artists who, after discovering the Drumheller region in the early 1980’s has been deeply influenced by this land and its history in her art since then.

In this talk, Heidi will share her knowledge of the park, her creative work and plans for artistic and cultural research in the park.

Please note: this event will be streamed on Facebook live and recorded for future sharing and viewing on social media such as YouTube and websites.

A Zoom account is not required to attend the talk.