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Tag: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists

Thunder Beasts, Hellbenders and Tiny Horses: A Safari Through the Cypress Hills Formation of Saskatchewan

Members of VicPS have been graciously invited to a meeting hosted by the Alberta Palaeontological Society. Please read the invitation below, and register by May 12th if you’d like to attend and are prepared to pay the $10 charge. Note that annual membership in the APS is $20 for an individual and $25 for a family, something to consider should you wish to make a habit of attending their presentations.

The May 14, 2021 Alberta Palaeontological Society meeting will feature a keynote presentation followed by the Annual General Meeting.  APS members are encouraged to stay on-line for the AGM following the keynote presentation so that we can achieve quorum and proceed with the meeting.

The May 14 keynote presenter will be Dr. Emily Bamforth, Royal Saskatchewan Museum, T. rex Discovery Centre, Eastend, Saskatchewan.  The title of her presentation is “Thunder Beasts, Hellbenders and Tiny Horses:  A Safari Through the Cypress Hills Formation of Saskatchewan.”   Her abstract and biography can be viewed by opening the attachment in this email or viewing the information on either the APS or CSPG website.

We will be having online monthly presentations until further notice.  Our cosponsor, the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG), has graciously agreed to assist us with managing E-Technical talks using GoToWebinar.  If you are a CSPG or APS member, there will be no charge for electronically attending the presentations.  If you are not a member of one of these organizations, there will be a $10 charge per presentation to help with registration expenses.

To register for the online presentation, click on this link:

Alternatively, you can go to the CSPG website and click on Events, Division Talks, and Palaeontology.  You will see a tab labelled “View Abstract”, where you can view information about the May 14 presentation.  To register, read carefully and follow the instructions.  If you have not created an account for one of the previous presentations then the first step is to create an account. This account will be used for all the presentations.  When it asks you about the organization you belong to, enter APS.  Once you have created an account, you can register for this month’s session.  The closing date for registering in this month’s session is Wednesday, May 12 at 12:00 pm (noon) Mountain Time.  Once you have registered for the May session, you will need to complete the payment requirements. If you are an APS or CSPG member there is no charge. If you are not a member of either organization, you will be asked to make a payment of $10 using one of the payment options provided. When you have completed the registration, you will be sent an email that provides your CSPG Order Confirmation/Receipt. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your registration has not been successful. Finally, one or two days before the session begins, you will be sent an email from GOTOWebinar providing an E-talk link for joining the presentations. At 7:30 on May 14, you will click on this link to join the session.

Dr. Bamforth will provide her topic using PowerPoint.  Participants will have the opportunity to submit written questions to her during the presentation.  Dr. Bamforth will address the questions at the end of the talk.