UPDATE: Like the Fossil Fair, our AGM and monthly meeting has now been cancelled due to the COVID-19 precautions. No plan to reschedule the meeting until things improve health-wise. The AGM may be held online or via email to meet Society Act rules; more news when we know for certain.
There is no field trip scheduled for March. Stay healthy and practice “social distancing”!
Our Fossil Fair has been postponed/cancelled due to COVID-19.
Our AGM is scheduled for March 18 and it is important that we have a good turnout for election of officers. Our meeting numbers and the relatively large classroom in which we meet suggest we may all keep the health-maintaining recommended “social distance” from each other.
Please respond by email to Tom Cockburn regarding whether or not you will attend the meeting.
Following our AGM, our speaker is Grant Keddie, Archaeology Curator, RBCM. Grant’s topic is to be announced.