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Tag: AGM

VicPS November Meeting: Tuesday, Jan 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm: VIRTUAL ONLY

The January 2024 VicPS meeting will be virtual only. Zoom participation details have been sent to VicPS members in an email.

The in-person meeting at UpTown Shopping Centre has been cancelled due to a threat of snow.

The topic for the evening is Baja B.C. Revisited, a one-hour segment of video from a 26-part series on the latest research into the origin of the Nanaimo Group/Nanaimo Basin. The series was recorded and aired in 2022/23 by University of Washington professor  Nick Zentner.  The 26-part series covers 4 different hypotheses for the origin of the Nanaimo Basin, interviewing a variety of experts conducting the research.  This series became of interest afte Dr. Shahin Dashtgard’s 2022 presentation to VicPS regarding the challenges of interpreting the Nanaimo Group.

Other upcoming events may be discussed, as time and interest allow:

  • January 21st field trip
  • February 7th AGM, at which we need a new volunteer to take over the Treasurer role from our long-serving member Scott MacPhail (and thank you Scott!)

Welcome to 2024 and another year of exploring Vancouver Island.


VicPS AGM: Feb 7, 2024

Please make plans to attend our annual general meeting (AGM), at which time paid members can elect the next board of directors.

What: Annual General Meeting
When: Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024, time TBD once Zoom meeting is booked
Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom


Long serving member and volunteer Scott MacPhail would like to take a well-earned break from the role of Treasurer. We are looking for nominations for this role. The work of our Treasurer involves:

  • Accepting/depositing annual member dues
  • Maintaining the membership list
  • Providing an update of accounts at quarterly board meetings
  • Submitting annual paperwork as required for registered societies

If you are interested to apply your administrative skills, or learning some new ones, please put your name forward. Experience is not necessary, as Scott will guide you and continue to be available for advice.


Part of the VicPS $30 annual dues go to the BCPA for services like the newsletter and maintaining the BCPA website. It’s important for us all to pay our annual dues for 2024 by January 31st so that Scott may cut a cheque to the BCPA in advance of its AGM later in February.  Please renew your annual dues by January 31st at the latest by:

e-transfer to Scott MacPhail at or by mailing a cheque to:

Victoria Palaeontology Society
1504 Shorncliffe Road
Victoria, BC Canada
V8P 2T4

VicPS AGM and Guest Speaker: Feb 1, 2022

Time edited to be 7:30 pm. Sorry for the late update!

We have changed our Annual General Meeting date this year. Why? As a member of VicPS, attend this next AGM and perhaps you’ll learn why!

What: Annual General Meeting
When: Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom

The AGM will follow a presentation by guest speaker Kristina Barclay, Banting
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biology and Anthropology, University of Victoria: Ghosts of Crabs Past: Using Palaeontological Tools to Understand the Health of Crabs and Their Shelled Prey.



    1. Meeting Called to Order
    2. Welcome Members and Guests
    3. Review/Approve minutes of previous AGM
    4. Report from the Chair (2021 Summary) – Jerri Wilkins
      •  Presentations/Activities
      •  Notable Board Decisions
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Scott MacPhail (submit to file)
  2. Field Trip Report – Jerri Wilkins (submit to file)
  3. VicPS Collections/Loans Report – Jerri Wilkins (submit to file)
  4. Election of Officers
    Current Officers:
    1. Chair – Jerri Wilkins
    2. Vice Chair– Tom Cockburn
    3. Secretary – Carol Barbon
    4. Treasurer – Scott MacPhail
    5. Director-at- Large (+website/social media) – Tom Celuszak
  5. New Business:
    1. Fossil Fair 2022
    2. Future Symposium
  6. Meeting Adjournment

VicPS members may look to their email for the Zoom meeting connection details.

AGM March 18: Cancelled Due to COVID-19

UPDATE: Like the Fossil Fair, our AGM and monthly meeting has now been cancelled due to the COVID-19 precautions. No plan to reschedule the meeting until things improve health-wise. The AGM may be held online or via email to meet Society Act rules; more news when we know for certain.

There is no field trip scheduled for March. Stay healthy and practice “social distancing”!

Our Fossil Fair has been postponed/cancelled due to COVID-19.

Our AGM is scheduled for March 18 and it is important that we have a good turnout for election of officers. Our meeting numbers and the relatively large classroom in which we meet suggest we may all keep the health-maintaining recommended “social distance” from each other.

Please respond by email to Tom Cockburn regarding whether or not you will attend the meeting.

Following our AGM, our speaker is Grant Keddie, Archaeology Curator, RBCM.  Grant’s topic is to be announced.

VicPS meeting and AGM Mar 21 7:30 pm

The March meeting will occur this Wednesday, the 21st at 7:30 pm at UVic in the Cornett Building, Room A120.

The society’s Annual General Meeting will beheld at this time, to elect officers and directors for the coming year.  It is believed that the existing board of directors is standing for re-election.

Held over from last month’s snowed out meeting, our speaker is Alex Lausanne, M.Sc. Student, (Geoarchaeology), Coastal Erosion and Dune Dynamics (CEDD) Lab, Dept. of Geography, UVic.  Alex will present on the topic of Uncovering Late Pleistocene Shorelines and Geoarchaeological Sites.

The dynamic environmental history experienced on Canada’s Pacific coast during early post-glacial times presents significant challenges for uncovering pre-10 000 year paleo-coastal archaeological sites. The research presented offers an integrated methodological approach in support of locating these sites on Quadra Island, BC. Once located, Late Pleistocene shellfish casts and aquatic microfossils are some of the evidence that aids in interpreting these interesting geoarchaeological sites.