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Nov. 17 Field Trip

Jerri Wilkins will lead a field trip along some backwoods logging roads, so more driving than collecting anticipated. Clothing appropriate to backwoods is a must, as is food and water. This is a return to the site visited Oct. 20. Look to your email for a Vicps communication that specifies the targeted area.

Meet at Helmcken Park and Ride at 9am. Detailed directions and maps to be shared at that time.

Please confirm in advance if you plan to join the field trip. Message Jerri Wilkins via the VicPS Facebook page or via email at

VicPS Meeting Sep 18

Wednesday, Sept. 18, will be our first meeting this fall.  There is no speaker scheduled,
so please bring in fossils that you’ve collected during the summer for other people to see.

Meeting will be in Cornett Building, Room A120, UVic, 7:30 pm.

Aug 18 Field Trip

A field trip has been planned for Sunday, August 18th. VicPS members should watch their email for details.

Meet at the Helmcken Road Park and Ride at 9 am. Carpool to our destination. Return to Helmcken Road Park and Ride is expected to be late afternoon or early evening.

Please confirm in advance if you plan to join the field trip. Message Jerri Wilkins via the VicPS Facebook page or via email at

Renewed Your Membership?

All annual memberships expired as of Dec. 31, 2018.  Reminders to renew your membership have been sent every month in the meeting agenda since January 2019.  Many of you have renewed, and thank you. 

Our revised Constitution and by-laws state that a member is not in good standing if the member fails to pay their annual membership dues, and the member’s membership in the society is terminated if the member is not in good standing for 6 consecutive months.  This means that June 30, 2019, is the cut-off date. 

For details on membership renewal, please see our Membership page .

June 30 Field Trip

A field trip has been planned for Sunday, June 30th. VicPS members should watch their email for details.

Meet at the Helmcken Road Park and Ride at 9 am. Carpool to our destination. Return to Helmcken Road Park and Ride is expected to be late afternoon or early evening.

Please confirm in advance if you plan to join the field trip. Message Jerri Wilkins via the VicPS Facebook page or via email at

May 26 Field Trip

A field trip is being planned for May 26th. VicPS members should watch their email for details.

Meet at the Helmcken Road Park and Ride at 9 am. Carpool to our destination. Return to Helmcken Road Park and Ride will be mid to late afternoon.

Please confirm in advance if you plan to join the field trip. Message Jerri Wilkins via the VicPS Facebook page or via email at

Thanks to Jerri Wilkins for arranging access to this site, which will be new to most members!