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VicPS meeting and AGM Mar 21 7:30 pm

The March meeting will occur this Wednesday, the 21st at 7:30 pm at UVic in the Cornett Building, Room A120.

The society’s Annual General Meeting will beheld at this time, to elect officers and directors for the coming year.  It is believed that the existing board of directors is standing for re-election.

Held over from last month’s snowed out meeting, our speaker is Alex Lausanne, M.Sc. Student, (Geoarchaeology), Coastal Erosion and Dune Dynamics (CEDD) Lab, Dept. of Geography, UVic.  Alex will present on the topic of Uncovering Late Pleistocene Shorelines and Geoarchaeological Sites.

The dynamic environmental history experienced on Canada’s Pacific coast during early post-glacial times presents significant challenges for uncovering pre-10 000 year paleo-coastal archaeological sites. The research presented offers an integrated methodological approach in support of locating these sites on Quadra Island, BC. Once located, Late Pleistocene shellfish casts and aquatic microfossils are some of the evidence that aids in interpreting these interesting geoarchaeological sites.