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VicPS AGM and Guest Speaker: Feb 1, 2022

Time edited to be 7:30 pm. Sorry for the late update!

We have changed our Annual General Meeting date this year. Why? As a member of VicPS, attend this next AGM and perhaps you’ll learn why!

What: Annual General Meeting
When: Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom

The AGM will follow a presentation by guest speaker Kristina Barclay, Banting
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biology and Anthropology, University of Victoria: Ghosts of Crabs Past: Using Palaeontological Tools to Understand the Health of Crabs and Their Shelled Prey.



    1. Meeting Called to Order
    2. Welcome Members and Guests
    3. Review/Approve minutes of previous AGM
    4. Report from the Chair (2021 Summary) – Jerri Wilkins
      •  Presentations/Activities
      •  Notable Board Decisions
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Scott MacPhail (submit to file)
  2. Field Trip Report – Jerri Wilkins (submit to file)
  3. VicPS Collections/Loans Report – Jerri Wilkins (submit to file)
  4. Election of Officers
    Current Officers:
    1. Chair – Jerri Wilkins
    2. Vice Chair– Tom Cockburn
    3. Secretary – Carol Barbon
    4. Treasurer – Scott MacPhail
    5. Director-at- Large (+website/social media) – Tom Celuszak
  5. New Business:
    1. Fossil Fair 2022
    2. Future Symposium
  6. Meeting Adjournment

VicPS members may look to their email for the Zoom meeting connection details.