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Marji Johns at Victoria Natural History Society – Jan 9

VicPS member Marji Johns, Paleontology Collections Manager and Researcher at the RBCM, is presenting Jan 9 to the Victoria Natural History Society at 7:30 pm, Room 159,  Fraser Building, University of Victoria.

From the VNHS calendar:

Natural History Night: From Cliff to Cabinet

January 9, 2018 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Fraser Building, University of Victoria

From Cliff to Cabinet:Securing 18,000—52 Million Year Old Fossil Matrices for Research, Exhibition,and Learning

 The McAbee Fossil Beds Heritage Site near Cache Creek, B.C. contains exceptional fossilsvital for scientific research, education and viewing. The significance of thesite was initially recognized by researchers, and later, Dave Langevin and JohnLeahy managed the site under mineral tenure, making important fossilcollections before its Heritage Site designation in July 2012. This fall(2017), the Leahy family donated the fossils collected by John to the RoyalB.C. Museum. Today, Marji Johns introduces you to the fossil site, some of the fossils and theirsignificance, and initial plans for this new collection at the Museum. Marjireceived her M.Sc. from the University of Victoria and has worked for 39 yearsin paleontology and geoscience. She is currently Paleontology CollectionsManager and Researcher at the Royal BC Museum. Kjerstin Mackie, TextileConservator, Royal BC Museum, and Elisabeth Deom, Senior Stewardship Officer,Heritage Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural ResourceOperations contributed to this presentation. We meet at 7:30 in Room 159,Fraser Building, University of Victoria. Everyone is welcome. Note: UVic parking is $3.