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14th BC Paleontological Symposium 2023

June 9-12, 2023
Bob Wright Centre, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada

On the traditional territory of the lək̓wəŋən peoples, the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ, whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

Enjoy 2 keynote speakers, 15 presentations, 4 posters, 3 tours, 2 workshops and unlimited opportunities to network. Details here: 14th British Columbia Paleontological Symposium 2023


You have a few more days. $145 CDN, $95.00 for students. 14th BC Paleontological Symposium Registration, Fri, 9 Jun 2023 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite


Check to make sure you registered for ALL activities (tours, workshops, fieldtrips). 14th BC Paleontological Symposium Registration, Fri, 9 Jun 2023 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite

All registrants will receive a detailed itinerary following close of registration.


Visit our website Victoria Palaeontology Society | We dig deep (
For specific inquiries email or contact Jerri Wilkins at 250-812-3970.
Follow us on Facebook Victoria Palaeontology Society | Facebook

Symposium workshop: “Sutures, Septas and Siphuncles:  Identifying Ammonites with Ease”

As the 14th BC Paleontological Symposium approaches, our planned activities are being better defined, as this workshop on identifying ammonites in BC shows:

If you want to know your Bostrychoceras from your Glyptoxoceras, this workshop’s for you! Ammonites are the most abundant fossil cephalopods on the planet. With over 1,500 recorded genera and 10,000 species, identification can be daunting. In this 2-hour, hand-on workshop, BCPA Chair Dan Bowen will share tips and tricks for ammonite identification including basic terminology, morphology and key diagnostic characteristics as they relate to the most common ammonites found in BC. Test your new-found skills on workshop specimens, or bring your own specimens for practice.

VicPS Monthly Meeting: March 8, 7:30 pm

Please join us March 8, 7:30PM at our regularly scheduled monthly meeting for an update on the following:

FOSSIL FAIR – TENTATIVELY Sat., March 25, 2023

Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary recently confirmed they do want to partner with us on the Fossil Fair this year on Saturday, March 25th.  That’s only a few weeks away!  Our ability to respond depends upon our volunteer capacity.  If you’re available that weekend, please consider volunteering.  VicPS President Jerri Wilkins will briefly review what’s involved so that VicPS as a group can decide if we have the capacity to proceed.


Usually there is no March field trip due to efforts focused on the annual Fossil Fair.  If the Fossil Fair doesn’t go forward, we’ll plan a field trip. 


Registrations and Abstracts are coming in and the Symposium is on track to be a fulsome four-day event. VicPS President Jerri Wilkins will present a behind-the-scenes peek into how the event is shaping up and will play out. This is primarily for members who are not involved in planning, to see what the planning team’s been up to, and where your talents will be needed as we get closer to June.

All paid VicPS members will have received details as to how to connect to and participate in this virtual meeting. Please contact Jerri Wilkins at our vicpalaeo gmail address for these same details, if needed.

14th BC Paleontological Symposium: ABSTRACTS DEADLINE LOOMS

Thank you to those in the paleontology community who have submitted Abstracts for the 14th British Columbia Paleontological Symposium. Abstracts will continue to be accepted until midnight this Friday, March 3rd, 2023.

If additional time is required, please contact organizers at as soon as possible to arrange an extension.

Paleontology presentations or posters which relate to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples are welcomed and encouraged, as are presentations on other changes significant to the field of paleontology.

VIPS presents: January 15, 2023: Dr. Grant Zazula – Woolly Mammoths Remains from the Yukon & Extinct Arctic Mammals

Join us for a talk by Dr. Grant Zazula on January 15, 2023 at 2 PM PST to hear about his excavation of Woolly Mammoth remains along the Indian River and his work at the Beringia Interpretive Centre. We’ll learn what the DNA of extinct Arctic mammals can tell us about their lives and environment.

There is no need to register for this free VIPS Lecture.

Simply click on the Zoom link at on the day of the talk to enter the lecture.