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Author: Tom

“Struck by Lightning”, The amazing true life story about Mary Anning: March 24, 2 pm

You are invited to join the VIPS link for the presentation, The Mary Anning Story “Struck by Lightning”, the amazing true life story about Mary Anning, fossil huntress and first woman of science.

On Sunday, March 24th at 2:00 pm PDT, the virtual meeting link will be posted to the page linked here

This story occurs about 200 years ago at the time of the birth of paleontology, 1799-1847. 

The scene is along the rugged south west coast of England in the little town of Lyme Regis in the 1800s. This area is possibly the most popular area in England to collect fossils. Today this 95 mile long stretch of coastline, which is now referred to as the “Jurassic Coast”,  has over one million visitors each year.

The cliffs erode at a very rapid rate and every year expose literally tens of thousands of fossils. This is a fossil hunter’s dream.

Image courtesy

Fossil Fair @ Swan Lake: March 23 & 24 – debrief

Now fossil fair 2024 is in the rearview mirror, here are some words from our president about the event:

The VicPS annual Fossil Fair at Swan Lake was March 23rd-24th. About 250 people attended, down almost half from some previous years, but enthusiasm and interaction were up, and more than 100 kids participated in the annual scavenger hunt to find specimens in the collection. The National Geographic Fossil Dig/ID kits were a big hit among this year’s winners, as was the ‘Happy Little Dinosaur’ board game.  … New this year was a poster about the Nigel House vertebrate fossils found near Swan Lake. A shout-out to Edward Davies for sharing dozens of high-resolution slides and photos from which we were able to put together a poster. Fossil ID is always a favourite among volunteers and this year IDs offered a few very exciting moments. We had the highest number of fossils brought to Fossil Fair for identification in recent memory.  A few notable specimens:

  1. Mt. Tzouhalem, Duncan – Hexanchid shark teeth, several Glyptoxoceras specimens with helix intact, and what appears to be a cross-section of a coral (button, hexacoral—still seeking verification)​. …
  2. Gulf Islands – A brachiopod from Russell Island. We don’t get many specimens brought in from the Islands (other than Hornby and Saltspring), so this was interesting.
  3. Bone material, Northern BC – What appears to be marine reptile. As is often the case, the exact location of the discovery is unclear, as this was found some time ago by a family member of the person who brought it in for identification. The family is trying to establish providence.

We brought the RBCM and GSC into the conversation to assist with identification. Those conversations are ongoing. 

This year, the RBCM and Fossil Management Office were unable to participate in Fossil Fair due to other commitments, and a few other usual volunteers were unable to attend. VicPS member Kalene (who works at DinoLab) offered up a few volunteers, plus an Elasmosaurus paddle (full scale) model (thanks, Kalene!). DinoLab’s Kirsten had the kids doing Elasmosaurus ‘high-fives’ and it was a great opportunity to showcase the new provincial fossil and hand out lapel buttons provided by the Fossil Mangement Office (thank you, Elisabeth and Genivieve for the buttons!). Serendipitously, the DinoLab preparator who volunteered on Sunday (Jake) was the only Fossil Fair volunteer experienced in working with bone, and in particular marine reptile specimens, and recognized the specimen brought in for identification as likely marine reptile. His hunch was later supported by vertebrate experts in our network. As is our usual way of working, VicPS members came together in the week before the event to ensure lots of volunteers were on hand when the event weekend arrived.  Thanks to John, Carol, Caleb, Justin and Thor for participating.  …

APS Paleo Symposium 2024: Macrh 16, 9 am MDT/8 am PDT

The Alberta Paleontological Society’s Paleo Symposium takes place Saturday, March 16 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm MDT ( 8:00 am to 3:30 pm PDT) at Mount Royal University.

Please view the Paleo 2024 Flyer that briefly describes the symposium, and forward this flyer to people who might be interested in attending.  The event is open to the general public.

Please make note of the Paleo 2024 Speaker schedule, below, and note that times are all Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

The Paleo Circular provides more comprehensive information about Paleo 2024 including posters and general information

APS Sponsorship:

Monthly meetings and presentations are co-sponsored by the Alberta Palaeontological Society, Mount Royal University’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and the Canadian Energy Geoscience Association’s Paleontology Division.


Lectures will be presented nearby in the Jenkins Theatre, located in F Wing and accessible from Main Street through a hallway next to Cougars Campus Store.

Poster displays will be presented in Main Street, the main hallway on Level 1 of the Main Building outside the Cougars Campus Store. Campus maps are available on the MRU website at

Visitor rates and parking maps are available on the MRU website at This map also includes locations of food services on page 2 and vendor hours can be found at


You can join the lectures at 9 am MDT (8 am PDT)on Saturday, March 16, 2024 either:

  1. a)  in person at Mount Royal University, Main Building, Jenkins Theatre
  2. b)  via Zoom, using this link:

Mona Trick is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Paleo 2024
Time: Mar 16, 2024 08:30 AM MDT (07:30 AM PDT) Edmonton

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 6721 2909
Passcode: 059437

Alberta Palaeontological Society meeting, Friday, Feb. 16, 6:30 pm PST

Please look for the virtual meeting connection details in the email to all VicPS members.

The Alberta Palaeontological Society has invited us to their next meeting.

We have two keynote presenters this month, the first is S. Amber Whitebone, MSc, PhD Candidate, University of New England. The title of her presentation is “Bone Cells to Big Dinos: Using Liquid Crystal Polarimetry as a New Tool to Learn about Fossil Vertebrates”. I have attached her abstract and biography. [below]

Our second presenter is Dr. Nicolás E. Campione MSc PhD, University of New England. The title of his presentation is “They come from the land down under: Australian Mesozoic dinosaurs”. [see abstract below]

Depending on the volume of questions that we get for each speaker, the meeting may run 15 minutes longer than usual. 

VicPS field trip: Sunday, January 21, 2024: Possible changes due to weather

The present snowy conditions at certain places up island may cause the field trip plan to change. Please ensure you check for emailed updates about the field trip before you set off to join us on Sunday morning.

When:9 AM, Sunday, January 21st, 2024
Travel:Meet at Helmcken Park & Ride at 9 AM to arrange carpooling.
Where:Paid members will please check their email for more details.
Equipment:Hammer large enough to break concretions, chisel, wrapping paper, masking tape, marker, GPS and notebook for recording details.

Bring lunch, water, snacks, dress for changes in weather and wear
shoes appropriate for gravel, rock and slopes.

VicPS November Meeting: Tuesday, Jan 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm: VIRTUAL ONLY

The January 2024 VicPS meeting will be virtual only. Zoom participation details have been sent to VicPS members in an email.

The in-person meeting at UpTown Shopping Centre has been cancelled due to a threat of snow.

The topic for the evening is Baja B.C. Revisited, a one-hour segment of video from a 26-part series on the latest research into the origin of the Nanaimo Group/Nanaimo Basin. The series was recorded and aired in 2022/23 by University of Washington professor  Nick Zentner.  The 26-part series covers 4 different hypotheses for the origin of the Nanaimo Basin, interviewing a variety of experts conducting the research.  This series became of interest afte Dr. Shahin Dashtgard’s 2022 presentation to VicPS regarding the challenges of interpreting the Nanaimo Group.

Other upcoming events may be discussed, as time and interest allow:

  • January 21st field trip
  • February 7th AGM, at which we need a new volunteer to take over the Treasurer role from our long-serving member Scott MacPhail (and thank you Scott!)

Welcome to 2024 and another year of exploring Vancouver Island.


New VicPS Calendar

Our website now has a page that shows the Google calendar for the account that our president generally uses to communicate by email with members. All those events that we’re being notifed about can be found listed there. Note that field trips will continue to lack info about where we’re going; look to your email for those details as the field trip date approaches.

From the top level menu, Events->Calendar of Events should get you to

AB Paleo Society Presentation: Friday, January 19, 2024 @ 6:30 pm PST

VicPS members have been graciously forwarded the Zoom meeting details to attend the AB Paleo Society presentation by Kathleen Rust, titled, “Reading the Fossil Record: how fossils from China reveal the origin and evolutionary history of the last primate in North American before the arrival of humans.” 

The presentation abstract and a short bio for Kathleen rust are presented here. Look to your email from for details as to how to attend. 

VicPS AGM: Feb 7, 2024

Please make plans to attend our annual general meeting (AGM), at which time paid members can elect the next board of directors.

What: Annual General Meeting
When: Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024, time TBD once Zoom meeting is booked
Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom


Long serving member and volunteer Scott MacPhail would like to take a well-earned break from the role of Treasurer. We are looking for nominations for this role. The work of our Treasurer involves:

  • Accepting/depositing annual member dues
  • Maintaining the membership list
  • Providing an update of accounts at quarterly board meetings
  • Submitting annual paperwork as required for registered societies

If you are interested to apply your administrative skills, or learning some new ones, please put your name forward. Experience is not necessary, as Scott will guide you and continue to be available for advice.


Part of the VicPS $30 annual dues go to the BCPA for services like the newsletter and maintaining the BCPA website. It’s important for us all to pay our annual dues for 2024 by January 31st so that Scott may cut a cheque to the BCPA in advance of its AGM later in February.  Please renew your annual dues by January 31st at the latest by:

e-transfer to Scott MacPhail at or by mailing a cheque to:

Victoria Palaeontology Society
1504 Shorncliffe Road
Victoria, BC Canada
V8P 2T4